No.1 Method in Canada to stop smoking

Smoking Cessation

Laser therapy to quit smoking
Our smoking cessation programs

Our Wellness Center is a proud franchisee of Imagine LaserworksTM, the leading Canadian program for laser smoking cessation programs.

smoking cessation programs

For two decades, Imagine Laserworks’ Quit Smoking Cessation Program has been the gold standard for those wanting to kick nicotine addiction. By offering this advanced quit smoking Laser Therapy in over 50 locations worldwide, thousands of clients have successfully quit smoking cigarettes, cigars, and even vaping and e-cigarettes. With Imagine Laserworks by your side – you will finally be able to put down that pack for good.

Harness the power of dual stimulation on acupuncture points found in ears, nose, fingers and wrists to experience a documented 85-94% success rate with as little as one session. With Imagine Laserworks’ specialized software, we can track our customers over time to back up our long-lasting success rates of:

  • Up to 1 week – 96%
  • 1 week to a year 89.9%

Our wellness center can assist you and your nearest & dearest in leading a healthier life by assisting them to break free from Nicotine addiction through our laser smoking cessation programs.

We can also assist with:

Stop Smoking

We are here to help you quit smoking with laser!

Our smoking Cessation Program is designed and delivered by experienced Certified Laser Technicians, making it simple and convenient to quit your nicotine habit. Not to mention that our therapy focused on helping you quit smoking with laser has been approved by both the FDA and Health Canada, so you can trust in its efficacy!

We are all well aware of the damaging effects smoking and nicotine has on our health, making it one of the most preventable causes behind cancers and diseases in Canada and North America. By choosing to live smoke-free, you can experience numerous benefits – even if it’s difficult breaking this bad habit. We want to help make that transition easier for you!

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide, yet 46.5 million adults in Canada and America continue to indulge even though they are aware of the risks. A shocking 70% want to quit smoking but tragically, only 5% per year are able to break this habit permanently.

The Benefits of Our Laser Quit Smoking Program

We are aware that quitting smoking can be an arduous task. It requires substituting detrimental habits with more beneficial activities or coping mechanisms, altering our surroundings to avoid triggers associated with smoking, and many other components. All of this leads to a stressful environment which is difficult to confront head-on.

Our comprehensive program employs secure and successful natural therapies to restore brain chemistry equilibrium, ease cravings and withdrawal signs, aid in the detoxification process, as well as present you with valuable tools to assist you in creating a healthier lifestyle.

cigarette smoking cessation programs
best way to quit smoking

Stop Vaping Program - Laser to Stop Vaping

Our distinctive and comprehensive quit vaping Laser therapy program addresses multiple facets of combating nicotine dependence, including: Physical, Psychological, Detoxification, Educational

With Stop Vaping, a unique protocol from Imagine Laserworks, you can finally quit vaping once and for all. This revolutionary procedure combines the best of modern Neuroscience with age-old Chinese Medicine to offer an unbeatable solution.

The Vaping Cessation Program

With just one session, most individuals find themselves permanently quitting vaping. Moreover, if necessary, two additional sessions are available to them within a year’s time; with less than 10% of clients requiring the second procedure. When combined with genuine determination and commitment to cease smoking altogether, this laser stop vaping method has proven highly successful in providing many people the opportunity for lasting success.

When people notice the remarkable improvements to their health and wellness soon after they stop vaping, it’s no surprise that many of them choose to modify their lifestyle accordingly. The positive effects on your body begin right away when you give up smoking e-cigarettes!

How Does the Laser Stop Smoking and Vaping Program Work?

At our clinic, we employ Photo Biomodulation treatment on acupuncture points to promote and maintain the body’s endorphin levels. This method is completely secure, free of pain, and can even be a soothing experience for those looking for laser stop smoking near me therapy.

Benefits of Quitting Vaping

Regain Energy

Slow the aging process

Improve your overall health

Lengthen your life

Increased motivation

Save money

ways to quit smoking

647 766 5560

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No.1 Method in Canada to stop smoking